Career-Technical Education (CTE)
Career-Technical Education (CTE)
A Career-Technical Education program prepares students for specific trades and careers at various levels. A CTE program is a sequence of classes in an occupational area. Occupational areas offered at Sandpoint High School include: Business Technology, Computer Aided Design, Food Service/Culinary, Information Systems, Health Occupations and Welding Technology.
SHS’s occupational CTE programs are aligned, in some form, with North Idaho College CTE programs. This means students can earn college credit and not have to repeat the same classes post-secondary. Our Journalism/Multimedia and Natural Resources Management programs are not aligned with North Idaho College but do offer a dual-credit option through the University of Idaho. SHS’s CTE programs give students experience, confidence and a head start in their career choice. Sandpoint High School does offer a non-occupational program: Individual Occupational Training (IOT). Students explore all aspects of obtaining a job, exploring careers, interview skills and much more.
All Career-Technical Education programs offer hand-on experience in their career area, student leadership opportunities, industry guest speakers and the use of innovative technologies. Email the instructor if you have questions.
Intro to Trades/ Residential Carpentry