School Dances
SHS School Dances
The Sandpoint High School Student council hosts occasional school dances, most notably the Homecoming Dance and Prom. These are great opportunities for students to interact with each other outside of school and organized sports. As such we take every effort to keep the students and the school safe, and so have a non-exhaustive list.
General Dance Rules and Guidelines
All participants must purchase or receive a ticket prior to the event, tickets typically are not sold at the door. In general, tickets are available during lunch and after school.
All participants must show a current school ID for the fastest verification or government-issued identification for slower verification. School IDs are available from the front office during non-instructional time, including lunch and after school.
Any students who do not attend Sandpoint High School must be invited by a current student, and a guest form must be turned in by the deadline for approval by the administration. Guests must be in good standing at their own high school (if applicable) and may be subject to a background check. Guests must be of high school age or above but under the age of 21.
No water bottles or bags are allowed.
All participants may be breathalyzed before entering the dance.
Once a participant has entered the dance, should they leave, they will not be able to come back in.