NHS History
Sandpoint National Honor Society Timeline
1922 - The Leohono Society is organized, which means “lion-hearted.” Membership is limited to 10% of the entire school enrollment. Twenty-two members are present in the yearbook photograph. One to two picnics are planned.
1923 - From yearbook ”Though the society is considered purely honorary, the [21 members] did not wish to hold aloof from high school activities and so for the purpose of replenishing the fast diminishing general fund, gave the high school carnival. From this we declared about one hundred dollars.”
1924 - “Leohono Society was organized in order to promote a greater fellowship among the students and a better standard for the school.” Members: 21 Activities: picnic, school carnival
1928 - ”Most popular organization in the school” Membership stands for achievement and leadership in student body activities. “Every spring and fall faculty and members elect new members to make up required quota.
1930 - Mr Avery becomes the advisor.
1935 - Instead of the Annual carnival, a play entitled Stop, Thief, directed by Miss Muriel E. Barker was held.
1937 - "The carnival was the largest fete put on by any organization in the school during the school year.” A queen for the carnival was chosen.
1938 - Buys space in the Monticola for a group photo
1939 - "…members must have a C+ average or better.” Events included the carnival, a banquet, and a picnic. A movie of the football team was held at the carnival. Society gives $100 of carnival profits to cement the tennis courts.
1940 - Motto: “loyalty, courtesy, sportsmanship, dependability, honor, and scholarship--that means Leohono.”
1942 - Donated $15 to Red Cross, helped purchase a piano for the school, gave $25 to help buy a school recorder, bought a flag with a staff for the school.
1950 - Limit of second semester sophomore and B average, 10% of student body “But our main purpose isn’t a good time; we strive to set an example befitting the Society.”
1952 - Members must have a GPA of 3.5; picnic held on lake on chartered boat
1953 - Must be a junior to join
1955 - 69 members, which is the largest membership to date
1961 - Society purchases a new trophy case for the school
1964 - Becomes the “Leohono-SHS Honor Society”
1967 - Members can have no C’s for two semester
1974 - "Booster Buttons” sold as fundraiser
1977 - The carnival is cancelled
1984 - "To provide leadership and have quality activities” Members must have a 3.2 or higher GPA. Seniors can get scholarships. A Prince and Princess reigned over the carnival.
1985 - Membership goes down, members must attend meetings, and a seminar was attended
1986 - Mr. Aunan becomes the new advisor. Community Service is a major purpose of Leohono.
1987 - Largest club on campus with 40 members
1988 - Leohono becomes the ”National Honor Society,“
1994 - Dwight Smith becomes the advisor and the club swells to 100 members, with one of the main functions of the club being the peer tutoring service
1995 - The NHS sets its goal to create a constitution and that each member must have a grade point average or 3.25 or higher to join. Mr. Hagadone and Mrs. Rendall are the advisors at this time.
2000 - Bonnie Herrington becomes the advisor and NHS is divided into a first lunch and a second lunch group. “NHS is a great club for people to get involved with because we work intricately with the school and community,"Anna Burrow, secretary.
2004 - NHS sponsors the Veterans Assembly. “The assembly was a great example of the dedication they put into everything they do,” Bonnie Herrington, NHS advisor.
2005 - Pam Webb becomes the new advisor. NHS is the largest club with nearly 80 members. NHS continues to organize the Veterans Day Assembly, raises over $200 for Toys for Tots, sponsors a Cram Jam for those needing to study for semester finals, and several teams participated in the MS Walkathon. The fall initiation ceremony is now switched to a spring banquet where new members and officers for the upcoming school year are sworn in, scholarships are awarded, and Senior Sashes are handed out.
2006 - The new officers update the bylaws, and the meetings change from twice a month to the first Tuesday of the month. Many new service opportunities become available through the school, as well as in the community. A website is developed, providing a means for members and the community to access NHS information.
2007 - The Sandpoint High School Chapter of the National Honor Society enters into its 85th year. The Student Council and the NHS combine resources to organize the annual Veterans Day Assembly. Under NHS president Alissa Tenuto's direction, a successful gift basket fundraiser provides over $1,000 towards NHS scholarships.
2008 - Mrs. Auld is handed the reins of NHS. The National Honor Society at Sandpoint High School raises over $3000 for Toys for Tots.